On June 9th a meeting will take place between officials from San Diego County and representatives for county residents, David and Mary Jones.
Every Tuesday for the past 5 years, David and Mary have hosted a bible study in their home. Attendance is approximately 15 persons weekly. On what was (obviously not a) Good Friday, a county official visited the couple and informed them that their activity in their home was illegal. They were not authorized to host “religious assemblies” at home without the county’s permission. David and Mary were then ordered to "cease/stop religious assembly on parcel or obtain major use permit."
Let me attempt to comprehend.
I can have all sorts of exotic animals in my home.
I can drink all the alcohol my heart (or liver) desires.
I can engage in sexual activity with however many consenting adults I wish.
I can curse like a sailor.
I can speak ill of anyone I wish or even damn them to hell.
I can gorge myself on as much junk food as I want.
I can TiVo horrific murder and crime scene investigations nightly.
I can be incredibly disrespectful to my spouse.
I can even take the Lord’s name in vain!
But taking it not in vain... meeting with friends to discuss the bible... that is illegal?
How big does government need to get?
It matters not if you are a follower of Christ. The above incident should send shudders up your spine. A government body is attempting to curtail a specific, spiritual activity. Activities that do no harm to others are typically rendered legal (see above). Hence, it seems that San Diego County officials question if undocumented, organized bible study is potentially harmful.
Please tell me this has absolutely nothing to do with the Dept. of Homeland Security’s (also-released-in-April) assessment of the potential dangers of “rightwing extremism” - and how specific groups may gather and rally behind passionate, religious causes. Remember that the scope of their report began by stating, “The information is provided to federal, state, local, and tribal counterterrorism and law enforcement officials so they may effectively deter, prevent, preempt, or respond to terrorist attacks against the United States. Federal efforts to influence domestic public opinion must be conducted in an overt and transparent manner, clearly identifying United States Government sponsorship.”
Is San Diego County in receipt of that report?
Perhaps we will find out on June 9th. At that time representatives for David and Mary will again meet with county officials and remind them of the First Amendment...
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof... or the right of the people peaceably to assemble...”
Sorry... my blood is boiling. Maybe I will purchase an exotic animal. I may even feed it junk food.
My lovely state. Guess I should expect a raid at bible study tonight! CA is afraid of Christianity but is OK with every other kind of abomination.
golly. Do you suppose they would have been shut down if they were having a Tupperware (tm) party instead of a Bible Study?
That list can also be done in groups - so my question for Californians is simply this: "Are Monday night football, American Idol parties, Euchre nights, and Neighborhood Bunko now also outlawed? Or do we only go after the Christians in our country?"
These people need to sue as well. Unfortunately, legal cases for religious discrimination, defamation of character, religious persecution, and the like, need to start being won for our freedoms to remain intact in this country and to communicate that Christians are people who, when their rights are violated will stand up for themselves. Being passive only allows the further degredation of our rights.
The only thing that would have been more fitting would have been if the officials had dressed up in British redcoat uniforms before storming their home to stop this free exercise of religion....
Ann, good article. Yes, this kind of action sends, “shivers up my spine,” and down. Hopefully the publicity given this county order (such as your widely read blog) will cause the local government to back off. If not, let’s hope David and Mary take it all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary. Of course we can’t be too sure what might happen there these days either.
THIS deserves some active attention from us!
WOW! We were especially shocked at this one. Is that county looking stupid at this point?!
Oh, and I'd like to recommend hedghogs for exotic animals...
and as for the junk food, they'll eat just about anything, including soap!
I'm praying for Dave and Mary June 9th!!
I'm praying for David and Mary June 9th!!
It is mind boggling! Where does the government get off telling us where and how we meet and discuss whatever we want to discuss. Be it God, family, a Tupperware Party!
Yikes!! Looking forward to following this one!
I read several articles regarding this, and was able to determine that the visit from the county was a result of complaints from neighbors, specifically someone whose car had been damaged due to the congestion caused by the parked cars of the attendee's of the bible study. While I do agree whole heartedly that the Jones family should be allowed to host their bible study or whatever type of party they would like to have in their homes, if the neighbors are complaining, the authorities have to investigate, and apply the laws--zoning or otherwise. There is something like this going on locally, but the homeowner was running a business out of her home that was causing similar street congestion.
Great comments, friends! Your collective voices are being heard. San Diego Co. has BACKED OFF their need to control Bible study. For more info, see the following article: http://www.christianpost.com/article/20090530/san-diego-county-allows-bible-studies-to-continue-in-home/index.html
It isn't over - the last line of the article you linked to says they will be allowed to resume when the county clears up some issues - meaning the parking complaints of the neighbors.
I can understand your rage...Since our government has been so "hell" bent on separating church and state in other matters, why doesn't that same line of thought apply here? I agree, it is getting pretty scary out there...
I too am horrified at this, but am forced to ask... was anything else going on beyond Bible study? Please, I have to leave some little space for doubt here in case all is not as it appears on the surface. Just as we have seen some Islamic groups urge illegal activity under the cover of the name of Allah, there are Christian groups who have done the same (i.e. David Koresh/Waco, TX; Jim Jones/People's Temple/Purple Kool-aid; etc....).
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