Few play God well.
George Burns did it. So did Morgan Freeman. I love the transparent scene in “Bruce Almighty,” when Bruce (Jim Carrey), who had been given God’s (Freeman’s) powers with the challenge of playing God better than he, says the following to God:
“How do you make so many people love you without affecting Free Will?”
To which God (Freeman) answers: [snort] “Heh, welcome to my world, son. If you come up with an answer to that one, let me know.”
If we are going to start playing God, then perhaps we should know Him well enough to do so. On Sunday morning, a man decided it was his turn to play the role.
While ushering in the foyer of his church, America’s arguably most well known abortion practitioner, Dr. George Tiller, was shot and killed. Tiller was the medical director at Witchita’s Women’s Health Care Services, 1 of only 3 clinics in the nation that will perform abortions after week 21 of gestation. The controversy in regard to such practice is that after week 21, babies are considered potentially viable, meaning the baby could possibly survive in an extrauterine environment. Kansas law prohibits the killing of viable fetuses.
Please note that Tiller was never found guilty of criminal wrongdoing prior to his death; however, note also that a state medical board continues to investigate possible ethical violations.
What motivates a man to perform late term abortions, I do not know. I have heard arguments based on both cause - and convenience. (I have a feeling it is some combination of the two.) But what motivates a man to assassinate the one who performs those abortions, I also do not know. Regardless of whether Tiller was an usher or saint, no man has the right to play God and take his life. Tiller’s killing is tragic. Ungodly. And wrong.
What people fail to understand is that if they employ disrespectful means to articulate a respectful cause, no one will care what they have to say. If they utilize ungodly methods to fight potentially Godly causes, no one will listen to their opinion. They are acting as imperfect reflections of who God truly is.
We have to learn to be respectful in stating disagreement. That goes for us all.
Thanks for saying the murder was wrong.
Neither Tiller or killer was a saint.
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