9/11 gets everyone’s attention. It, too, is a day which will live in infamy. While a department was created, the illusion of homeland security was destroyed.
Yet remember what else was established that horrific day? The oh-so-informative, now-ever-present ticker. We now have the ability to comprehend all daily news through simple headlines. The quandary is that all daily news is not contained in the headlines, so reliance upon such concocts a comprehension that is partial and potentially inaccurate. With respect to Paul Harvey, “the rest of the story,” what’s embedded in the article, is often significant. For example...
Last week President Obama announced standards that all automakers would be required to meet in order to ease our national dependency on foreign oil. Headline: “Obama Announces New Fuel Economy Standards.” What Was Absent From the Headline: Automakers responded by declaring the standards will only work if government can keep gasoline prices high.
Also from last week... Headline: “New Hampshire Governor Won’t Sign Gay Marriage Bill.” What Was Absent From the Headline: Gov. John Lynch (D) stated that the legislation as written did not protect churches and other religious groups from being forced to conduct "marriage ceremonies that violate their fundamental religious beliefs." He will sign the statute if new, protective wording is added.
Or... Headline: “House Panel Passes Limit on Greenhouse-Gas Emissions.” What Was Absent From the Headline: According to The Washington Post, multiple amendments were submitted allowing the bill to be nullified if too many jobs are lost, if electricity prices go too high, or if China and India do not rein in their emissions. All amendments failed.
Or from the entertainment world... Headline: “'Idol' Upset: Did The Evangelical Christian Vote Push Kris Allen Over The Edge?” What Was Absent From the Headline: Adam Lambert, the runner-up, was a more polarizing, theatrical performer. You either loved him or loved him not. Previous to last week the vote was split among 3. For the finals, the vote was split among 2. The votes previously given to contestant #3 had to go somewhere. I suspect someone other than “evangelical Christians” had been voting for #3.
Ah, thanks for the ticker, 9/11. Thanks for the headlines.
We continue to have a nation that is sometimes, just not quite completely, accurately informed... even when we think we are.
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