Throughout history, when a name fails to attract a desired level of interest, loyalty, or support, common strategy suggests altering the name...
Arizona State University has the second largest student enrollment in the country. My semi-risky hypothesis is that they attracted significantly less supporters when their name was “Tempe Normal School.” Do note, no less, they are not alone. Until 1963, Texas A&M was known as the “Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas.” Auburn University was once known as “Alabama Polytechnic Institute.” The title alterations seem to have been significantly beneficial.
The ploy extends further than higher education. Look at the degree to which business has benefitted... “Blue Ribbon Sports” is now known simply by its “swoosh,” that billion dollar Nike brand. “Marafuku” became Nintendo, “AuctionWeb” became EBay, and “Backrub” morphed into Google. Wonder what’s in a name? My guess is the founders of Pepsi Cola are thrilled with the loyalists who jumped on board now that they are no longer known as “Brad’s Drink.”
So successful, the strategy also extends into politics...
The anti-abortion movement of the 70’s became “pro-life,” and the abortion supporters are now identified as “pro-choice.” Funny now that both sides neglect to include the root issue in their name. (Perhaps they know “life” and “choice” are more pleasing to the ear than “abortion.”)
My current favorite evolver is “global warming.” The bottom line on this issue is that scientists around the world disagree on its cause, consequences, and the necessitated response. The dispute centers on whether the warming trends of the mid-20th century are unprecedented - and thus, whether they are man-made environmental deteriorations. At the beginning of this decade, thanks much in part to the seemingly genuine passion of Al Gore, global warming interest swelled. But watch what is now happening in the governments of Australia, the Czech Republic, France, Japan, New Zealand, and Poland. In each of these countries, skeptics are increasing exponentially... not because global warming has proved fiction. But because it has yet to be proven fact.
Hence, since the idea of “warming” seems inconsistent with the cool temperatures of the summer - or the massive snows of winter, the term, “global warming,” allows wiggle room for dispute. Global warming has now evolved into “climate change.”
The Intramuralist does not claim to know if this issue is fact or fiction. I simply wish to acknowledge that there exists a debate. Due to that debate, we need more research and respectful discussion - and less partisanship and subjective publicity. We need scientific assistance in comprehension - and no more PR campaigns aimed more to convince or manipulate. And thus, we need pause - pause prior to enacting any significant legislation during sensitive economic times that continue a massive spiral of spending. Spending should be based on fact.
I wonder... knowing some things remain a mystery to man... knowing some things are yet to be figured out... I wonder if someday we will alter the term, “climate change,” once again. I wonder if it will one day be called “the hand of God.” You never know... could be fiction... could be fact.
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