The room swelled with eager anticipation. The cameras were rolling, and those officially invited had gathered in their most attractive attire with “game face on.” Did you watch the unfolding of events this week??
Some were undoubtedly nervous. Skittish. Maybe a little on-edge. Others were more stoic... quietly confident in calculated response... perhaps a tinge arrogant, even though there remained a public uncertainty regarding how the new man-to-assume-control would arrive. All knew this would be the day, and each of the elected would be intentional in their initial interaction. They wanted the message to be clear, even if their individual connections would weaken the party atmosphere.
For most in attendance, this was the first time they would meet him face-to-face. Granted, both the man’s admirers and detractors had watched his every move for days now - maybe weeks. The media has hounded him... (perhaps they think hounding aids in establishing their impartial persona facade.)
But this man is full of style. Full of grace. Technically, in fact, one could say the gentleman has said all the right things. Like it or not, he’s qualified for this position, and this was his appointed time - even if the foreshadowing events were not as he would have scripted. Our man was not new to this intense, polarized, and often biting arena.
Would he show up or would he not? Either way, he would be making a statement. All eyes would be on him.
And there he was.
Dressed in a dark suit, with a sly smile, gradually intensifying, he remained confident of his intentions whether the public voices echoed any squall of support. He was articulate, purposeful, and respectful of all; it seemed he was merely eager to join his party.
I heard Roland Burris, the plagued Governor of Illinois Senate appointee, went to Washington this week. Reportedly, many were watching. Sorry, friends, but I wasn’t one of them. I hesitate to actually admit this, knowing it has the potential to knick my mature credibility, but this week I watched ABC’s premiere of “The Bachelor” instead. People have been waiting for “Jason, the single dad Bachelor,” for months! But I wondered whether the Senate floor or the convergence of 25 single women had the more intense, polarized, and biting arena. Supposedly one of these was a reality show.
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