With the start of a new year and resolutions quickly evolving more into reflection, the question remains, “What do you desire in 2009?” Resolutions are well intentioned; however, most of us begin to weary of doing good at some point, and thus it serves to ask the greater question: what should we do better and more?
For true transparency, the answer rests in what drives us to get out of bed each morning. What drives you? What do you base your life upon? Do you have any moral absolutes? Or are our lives simply a response? ... a response to the moment, to whatever comes next, or to which way the conventional wisdom winds attempt to blow?
Let me not appear any holier than thou. Friends can vouch for personal seasons in life when my greatest ambitions may have appeared to be synonymous with Loverboy’s “[Everybody’s] Working for the Weekend.” Thankfully, maturity does tend to reign somewhere post-college.
Several years ago, I read of a man I respected who decided to read through the Bible in its entirety every other year. He said he wanted to see what it says... and I would add, see what it doesn’t, as well. Something struck me profoundly that day. I thought, “If I’m going to really get this, to base my life upon this, then perhaps I should read it through every year.” Ok, ok, so I have a little nerd in me... But I decided then that if I wanted to live for something greater, I needed to know what this book says.
So many persons profess to live by the Bible’s teaching without knowing what it says. I have heard persons claim it simply means to be nice, courteous, and love those around you. True, that’s a good point, but it says a little more than that. I have heard others claim that the Bible says items such as alcohol are totally taboo. An interesting claim, as well, but I wonder how those reconcile such with the first public miracle of Jesus. Yet still others claim that the Bible would never substantiate war. Hmmm... another good idea, but perhaps more reading would be beneficial.
My point, friends, is that it’s hard to claim what the Bible says and what it doesn’t if you don’t spend time within it. Simply believing you know what it says inadvertently projects a wisdom that is greater than the Author Himself.
If you invest some time in it - and no worry, no need to be that nerd - but you will see there are things presented that make phenomenal sense. There are some teachings that are incredibly empowering and generate the kind of hope each of us craves. There are things, too, that are a complete, utter, and ambiguous mystery - things in which the teaching will remain inconclusive this side of the “Pearly Gates.” But we can’t state any teaching unequivocally unless we know what the Bible says... unless we actually spend time within its pages. That applies to those of us who think it’s true, to those of us who think some of it’s true, and equally to those of us who deny it’s true.
What are you basing your life upon? Because of that basis, what will you do this year that is better and more? Will you somehow cling to that which blows with the wind and changes daily? Or will you invest in something greater... something in which you know what it says?
I’m going to begin by studying that first miracle. I kind of like that one.
1 comment:
I found your comments soothing and challenging. Today is an emotional day for lots of reasons, and I can't lean on the human who gave me so much...my mother as she is no longer walking this earth. I have been greatly challenged by her death and the death of my father to live each day fully and not to have regrets at the end of the day. I wish I could say I succeed 100% at this, but it is a reason to get out of bed each day. We are all here for a purpose each day we awaken wether it be for ourselves or someone else. It is just a challenge to find that purpose and the Book you mention is a great place to start. Thanks for the promting!
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