Greetings, Mr. President. I write you today for two purposes: one, to thank you for your service, and two, to share a few, layman’s insights for the coming 4 to 8 years.
It comes as no secret, that you have been graced with a fairly immediate public popularity. According to Scott Rasmussen’s “Rasmussen Reports,” 65% of Americans already approve of your performance, and let me acknowledge that this is prior to any swearing kind of ceremony. As one who believes in tackling truth straight on, this is a gift not forded to your two most recent predecessors. Also tackling truth, whether it is deserved is not the question. It is simply an opportunity to begin your service well, knowing you have awakened an expectant hopefulness in many... even if you failed to secure their vote. I pray you utilize the opportunity well.
Part of me wonders if the excitement you have stirred is similar to what JFK experienced. I haven’t heard historians declare that JFK was our most successful President; his time in office was far too short to discern said evaluation with certainty. But for those who were of adult age during Kennedy’s campaign, they spoke of an individual hope that previously was dormant. When Kennedy said on that cold, snowy inaugural day, “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty... This much we pledge—and more...” I believe Americans made that pledge with him. They believed we would pay the price, bear the burden, and meet the hardship, as they were motivated by the swelling sense of confidence they had in JFK’s leadership.
That is the kind of leadership we desire from you, Barack. And we are with you. As Americans, we are each and all with you. I pray you lead us well.
A couple of specific concerns...
First, one of the many reasons your candidacy was refreshing was because you unequivocally articulated an opposition to the political captivity silently sought by special interest groups (...somewhere in here is the colloquial assertion, that “if you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours”). I’m sure it is not a surprise to you, sir, that several fringe special interests still clamored for your election. Several will base their vocal support for your RE-election, leveraged against how you gratify their peripheral issue. Just as those who’ve come before you, remember those groups are “fringe” for a reason.
Second, please be prudent with our national checkbook. As noted on these pages, there exists a trendy line of thinking that we can limitlessly spend without ever experiencing a negative financial consequence. That seems a little different than what we’re teaching our children. According to a FOX News poll last week (egad, did I say that?), 80% percent of the American public believes “debt is ruining the economy.” Lest you think that FOX pollutes the polling perceptions, 78% of Democrats polled concurred with such assertion. But my concern to you is this, Mr. President: be discerning about your spending decisions. Some President, someday, needs to be intentional about spending less instead of more. President Clinton and his congress encouraged us to balance the budget, but for the good of our nation, we need to go a step further; we need to pay down the debt. You currently possess the clout and the public following to confront this fragile state - albeit potentially, politically unpopular. But this may be the answer to JFK’s question of “what you can do for your country.”
And finally, if you put your country first, be sure to put Michelle, Malia, and Sasha a very close second. They need you. And since the world is watching, we will notice when you cherish your wife. We will notice when Michelle conveys her tremendous respect for you. And we will notice when you love on your girls, teaching them the difference between right and wrong. Your family will be an example to us all.
Best wishes to you in Washington, President Obama. Again, thank you for your service. Thank you for your leadership. And thank you for respectfully accepting “the torch” from President Bush. Our country needs that. We need the example of respectfully accepting that torch. We are too polarized. We are so polarized, in fact, that some of us will refrain from acknowledging the good you can accomplish.
Best wishes. God bless you. And thank you.
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