It is time to address this so-called media love affair with the Obamas. Now please pause before your defenses and blood pressure both begin to rise. Let me first opine 2 appropriate caveats: 1) The question of infatuated impropriety rests not on President Obama but on the media; it is an unrequited adoration. And 2) I am not speaking of partisanship; I am speaking of those whose journalistic opinions now drip with enamored affection.
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Lee Cowan, Obama reporter for NBC News during the campaign: "When NBC News first assigned me to the Barack Obama campaign, I must confess my knees quaked a bit."
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews... "I've been following politics since I was about 5. I've never seen anything like this... [Obama] comes along, and he seems to have the answers. This is the New Testament!”
Printed in the UK’s Daily Mail, 6 weeks after the election: Michelle Obama is "a goddess [who] stepped onto the world stage and made it her own...married to someone who is, frankly, a sex god."
Andy Rooney, closing CBS’s “60 Minutes” last Sunday: "Obama just looks good every time he does anything."
And back to Matthews, who arguably provides the most comic relief, reacting to Obama’s shirtless, beach vacation: "The sun glinted off chiseled pectorals sculpted during four weight-lifting sessions each week and a body toned by regular treadmill runs and basketball games." (“Chiseled pectorals?” ... ok... give me a moment for the laughter to subside... that would be the laughter from BOTH the President and me!)
A quick glance at the magazine covers with the Obamas’ pic... GQ’s “Obama Rules” ... Us’s “Why Barack Loves Her”... Der Spiegel’s “Der Messias-Faktor”... Ebony’s “Black Cool”... even Tiger Beat’s “I Sing in the Shower”... wow... I sure miss those days of Leif Garrett and Parker Stevenson.
Let me re-state that this infatuation in no way reflects negatively on our 44th President. The reality is Obama has the potential to be an excellent leader IN SPITE of those who are seizing the Messiah complex on his behalf. But this affair has caused me to google the following: “...and there he was... effortlessly gliding across the East Lawn via his strong, stalwart strut, with his robust shoulders as only a bold Texan could muster... the master from Midland... and when he spoke, it mattered not if there was a babble... a blunder... his divine slang still captivated us all...” Uh, I’m still googling.
Enough, enough! ...time to read my new Women’s Health mag that came in the mail last week... oh, look on page 82... I kid you not... “Michelle Obama’s 7 Secrets of a Sexy Marriage!”