“Whenever you have truth it must be given with love, or the message and the messenger will be rejected.” — M.Ghandi
Mahatma Ghandi was undoubtedly a man of tremendous wisdom. His teaching of “satyagraha” — resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience — was firmly founded upon non-violence, which prompted authentic change throughout the world. If we have gained any knowledge from the most recent election cycle, we have learned that a belief in change that precipitates hope is an attractive, motivating message.
Ghandi’s promotion of non-violence was sometimes, seemingly extreme. For example, after World War II, he gently but publicly offered the following: "The Jews should have offered themselves to the butcher's knife. They should have thrown themselves into the sea from cliffs." He was advocating not fighting back with one’s fist. But Ghandi also knew that such level of principled commitment requires incredible faith and courage. Problem: incredible faith and courage is rare. Very rare. Such is/was not possessed by the following:
...the Binghampton, New York gunman...
...the G20 summit protesters...
...the pie-in-the-face PETA people (although sometimes they are really funny)...
...the abortion clinic bombers...
...the Proposition 8 supporting vandals...
...the 9/11 hijackers...
I know their message is significant; their passion seems purposeful. But if any promotion of message is attempted via violence and vandalism, no one will hear what is actually trying to be articulated. Both the messenger and the message will be rejected. It seems often as if protesters are clamoring for tolerance and respect... while simultaneously engaging in intolerance and disrespect.
So what does it take to think rightly? To present passion respectfully? In a way others can hear it?
Incredible faith and courage. Yes, such is rare.
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