Rumor has it a funny thing happened at last weekend’s Miss USA pageant. I am not certain my facts are correct, but here is the grapevine version not currently found via mainstream sources...
The beautiful and talented Miss California, 22 year old Carrie Prejean, gracefully ambled her way before the microphone, in preparation for the used-to-be-softball question, this one from judge, Mario Lavandeira, better known as Perez Hilton. Hilton has long been known in celebrity circles for his tremendous tameness, modest appearance, and respect for all peoples, especially for those who disagree with him.
Prejean is ready, and Hilton asks, “Vermont recently became the fourth state to legalize same-sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit? Why or why not?"
Prejean hesitates for a minute, perhaps knowing that there exists no win/win answer to the controversial inquiry... perhaps wondering why she, too, failed to receive a chance to instead declare her abundant affinity for world peace. Then, with the eager audience on the edge of their seats, she offers the following:
”We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite. And you know what, I think in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that marriage should be between whoever you want it to be - man, boy, woman, girl, animal, you-name-it. No offense to anybody out there, but that’s how I was raised.”
Hilton, a blogger who proclaims to speak “what is on everyone’s minds,” is obviously uncomfortable and outraged. He scored Prejean a zero for her response, and later called her a “dumb b**ch,” one who offered the "worst answer in pageant history." (Never mind that the contestants are not to be judged on the position of their opinion - but rather on the articulation of it.)
Following the pageant, the celebrities (who seem to think that because they are celebrities, their public opinions are also necessary to articulate) chimed in. From E! News anchor, Giuliana Rancic, on twitter.com: "I know I'm a journalist, and I should be objective ... but she is an ignorant disgrace and she makes me sick to my stomach."
An ignorant disgrace. A dumb you-know-what. All because the prepossessing Prejean supported gay marriage.
What would happen in our country if someone publicly expressed support for homosexual marriage and the response was outrage? The response was name-calling? ...and “how dare you have that opinion!” Tell me: is outrage only allowed in one direction?
Just a question... and just a rumor, of course.
It was during the Bush administration. If you expressed an opinion that did not put you in step with his policies and decisions, you were "un-American". Ask Natalie Maines. And to say there is no outrage over support of gay-marriage? I imagine the kind of outrage and name calling gay and lesbian people live with over who they are and who they love far out-weighs anything felt by Miss California.
This might be my favorite posting yet! Thanks for making me think.
Exactly! The point is not which way Miss CA answered the question. The point is that the gay community is trying to manipulate what is politically correct. We should have the freedom to believe that homosexuality is right or that it's wrong. We are entitled to more than one opinion.
Don't get me started on this one. I will have to step off my "soap box" and wash my rags of self righteousness in the soap!
I was amazed that she was "crucified" for stating her beliefs, for answering the question with poise and dignity. I find it amazing that she was called intolerent among many other colorful things...
when Mr. Hilton himself is obviously the intolerant one in this situation. Off with the head of anyone who has a different position than his...
I recall that he said she should have not stated her political or religious views... uh, didn't he ask that when he posed the question? Be prepared for an anwswer Mr. Hilton that differs from your views. He also said he couldn't believe this came out of someone who was from California! Seriously?
I am thankful for the grace the Miss Prejean has shown since this incident.
OK... better step down now! :)
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