Wow... and to think I thought so many embraced a world of black and white, with random protrusions of gray. Examine a sampling of persuasive headlines from recent months:
How Green Is Your Cell Phone?
How Green Are Plastic and Wire Coat Hangers?
How Green Was the Inauguration of Barack Obama?
How Green Is Thy Stimulus?
How Green Is Energy From Pond Scum?
How Green Are 'Organic' Shoes?
How Green Are Low-Flow Toilets?
How Green Is Green?
You can find web sites encouraging us to “Go Green,” “Think Green,” and “Vote for a Green Hero.” In fact, there are now “green celebrities,” “green politicians,” and “green-collar workers.” Excellent! No longer must the Grinch and Yoda live in isolation!
Truthfully, I appreciate the eco-encouragement. Each of us needs to be responsible for the planet we inhabit. What more causes question are operations that are either intentionally covert or intrinsically arrogant. Case in point... Today’s web article entitled “10 Ways to Convince People To Go Green Without Mentioning the Environment.” Please mention the environment. We need to care for the world in which our children hope to dwell; however, not all wish to belong to an arguably almost-religious movement analyzing our toilets and pond scum. (Did I mention the “organic shoes”?) We should never let caring for the Earth and worshipping the Earth be equated with one another.
Also, I am concerned about the lack of respect given to a person who neglects the bandwagon jump and views the Earth via different colored glasses. Responsible people disagree on what harms the Earth and what does not. To assume one has every malevolent angle deciphered - and thus conclude those who feel differently are either ignorant or abusive, seems to ignite an arrogant perspective.
I would write more, but I need to reflect a few minutes, assessing how I can be a better steward of this Earth, and thus not begin any sarcastic barrage. Time to hit the piano and play a few notes. I think I’ll start in the “Wicked” songbook - with a song from the so-called “wicked witch,” Elphaba’s “The Wizard and I,” singing: “...And since folks here to an absurd degree, seem fixated on your verdigris, Would it be all right by you, If I de-greenify you?”
We can start with my shoes.
And let us never forget the immortal words of Kermit The Frog: "It's not easy being green."
The End.
I would counter that this is similar to the brand of Christianity that says, if you do not believe the way that we believe then you are wrong. What we need as Americans is to learn to respect our differences. You may not believe Global Warming to be a fact, but you must have some sort of respect for those who do. You may feel very strongly that your way of worshiping God is the best way, and it might be, for you, but not for me. When did we become so "my way or the Highway" in this country?
The "green" mentality seems over the top.
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