

I’ve re-written this column multiple times now. It’s not that I don’t wish for much. I wish for LOTS! I like gifts! But after a new outfit, some kind of gadget, and either red wine or Starbuck’s under my tree, truth is, my wishes are fairly minimal… in fact, I think my wish is simply one.

I wish the world would realize that life is a miracle. A miracle: an absolutely amazing, extraordinary creation!

Disregard any thoughts of blogging about a specific campaign issue. That’s not my point.

My point is that if people were wise enough to recognize that the human life is extraordinary, we would treat each other differently… we would treat each other with the care and preciousness that life deserves…

We would be more sensitive.
We would listen more.
Men would cherish their wives.
Women would respect their husbands.
Kids would obey their parents.
Parents would affirm their kids.
All of us would honor our elders.
We would communicate more tangible love.
We would engage in small acts of kindness.
We would quit yelling at those with whom we disagree.
We would refrain from quietly muttering under our breath how idiotic they were, as well.
We would realize that "my opinion" is only "my opinion."
Other opinions would impact us.
Republicans and Democrats would realize that their party platform is not synonymous with "The Way."
Washington D.C. would operate more efficiently.
"Peace on Earth" would be more than a Hallmark sentiment.
And what happened in that manger would mean so much more to us all.

This is a good reminder for me. I mean with the hustle and bustle and seemingly fanatic frenzy, my focus often gazes on things of lesser importance… on things of a much more material nature.

Miracles. Divinely inspired. Deserving of our attention. Deserving of our respect. Yes, that’s my wish this Christmas: that we would realize life is a miracle… an absolutely, amazing, extraordinary creation.


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