

One of the more recent, entertaining examples of fictional character development is Fiyero, the cavalier Vinkus prince from the hit musical, “Wicked.” Initially, Fiyero’s primary ambitions include avoiding stress, keeping cool, remaining thoughtless, and “dancing through life.” You might say his “bar” isn’t set very high.

As the musical progresses, however, Fiyero is moved by the purpose reflected in a fellow student’s life. He is astoundingly attracted to a unique young lady, as he becomes transformed by her example of passionate, purposeful living. He slowly realizes that a beautiful life means so much more than one that remains unexamined.

It makes me think of the NY Times best seller, The Purpose Driven Life… a book in which the very first sentence reads, “It’s not about you.”

So if it’s not about me, what’s it about? Why am I here? What is my purpose? What are we living for?

Are you dancing through life like Fiyero? … or are you cognizant of what God placed you on this Earth to do?

The answer to this question will help you determine how high you have set your bar.



Nina said...

Hey sporty one...

It's all about Him - and that's when we learn to jitterbug, waltz, two-step, rhumba, salsa, tango and hokey pokey!


Nina said...

Hey Sport!

It's all about HIM, yeah, baby, HIM HIM...and once we get that down, we learn to waltz, jitterbug, rhumba, salsa, tango, hustle, two-step and hokey pokey!


The Holloways said...

Ann, thank you for posting this today. It puts things in perspective. And I LOVE this musical!

SRA said...

I love the idea of Jesus reaching out for my hand and asking me to dance! Christ wants to be our dance partner for life and if we follow his lead, we'll no longer trip over our own two left feet! Gotta Go! My Dance Partner's Calling and Life's playing our song! Loved today's blog entry baby! Let's just say it gave me Happy Feet!