According to http://www.dictionary.com/:
bail out (verb phrase)
1. to make a parachute jump from an airplane.
2. to relieve or assist (a person, company, etc.) in an emergency situation, esp. a financial crisis.
3. to give up on or abandon something, as to evade a responsibility.
Call me a compassionate capitalist… meaning I believe in an economic system which favors private ownership over a cooperative or state-owned means of wealth. The compassionate part of that means I am sensitive to when said system has a specific, individualized, negative affect.
But am I compassionate if I negate personal, financial responsibility? What would we teach our children if we didn’t show them how to manage their money? …if we simply bailed them out every time they spent foolishly? …when they made a poor choice? …if we spared them the consequences? (…consequences that often teach great lessons, by the way…)
While it may seem compassionate for our government to bail out private enterprise, there are two reasons I am hesitant: (1) I question whether or not we are negating the enterprises’ personal responsibility. And (2) – the more significant of the two – we don’t have the money. Listen closely, friends. Our national debt now approaches 10 trillion dollars. Let me say that again. 10 TRILLION DOLLARS. Not only do our legislators do nothing to pay down this debt, but they also continue to advocate unbalanced budgets that propose massive amounts of additional new spending.
In the name of supporting good program after good program – in the name of avoiding the politically unpopular – in the name of bail outs and arguably, in the ultimate name of re-election, our government has been ignoring their own financial responsibility. If we don’t soon abandon this practice, the current economic crumbling will look miniscule compared to the future collapse.
Excuse me for a moment… I’m going to see if I can find some compassionate soul to take care of my Christmas bills…
bail out (verb phrase)
1. to make a parachute jump from an airplane.
2. to relieve or assist (a person, company, etc.) in an emergency situation, esp. a financial crisis.
3. to give up on or abandon something, as to evade a responsibility.
Call me a compassionate capitalist… meaning I believe in an economic system which favors private ownership over a cooperative or state-owned means of wealth. The compassionate part of that means I am sensitive to when said system has a specific, individualized, negative affect.
But am I compassionate if I negate personal, financial responsibility? What would we teach our children if we didn’t show them how to manage their money? …if we simply bailed them out every time they spent foolishly? …when they made a poor choice? …if we spared them the consequences? (…consequences that often teach great lessons, by the way…)
While it may seem compassionate for our government to bail out private enterprise, there are two reasons I am hesitant: (1) I question whether or not we are negating the enterprises’ personal responsibility. And (2) – the more significant of the two – we don’t have the money. Listen closely, friends. Our national debt now approaches 10 trillion dollars. Let me say that again. 10 TRILLION DOLLARS. Not only do our legislators do nothing to pay down this debt, but they also continue to advocate unbalanced budgets that propose massive amounts of additional new spending.
In the name of supporting good program after good program – in the name of avoiding the politically unpopular – in the name of bail outs and arguably, in the ultimate name of re-election, our government has been ignoring their own financial responsibility. If we don’t soon abandon this practice, the current economic crumbling will look miniscule compared to the future collapse.
Excuse me for a moment… I’m going to see if I can find some compassionate soul to take care of my Christmas bills…
1 comment:
i hope that you welcome comments here...but I call that a verbal butt-kicking for the illness-laced, drama-filled economic escapade that our country is currently embedded in....
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