I will never forget that 5th grade Sunday school class. “Write down your 3 favorite heroes.” And without pause, I quickly scribbled down the names of Jesus, John F. Kennedy, and none other than baseball’s hit king, Pete Rose.
Jesus was a no brainer. I mean, the man brought a message of hope and redemption to the world that is radical beyond measure, but so empowering if embraced. Even as a child, his example was obvious.
John F. Kennedy, well, my political astuteness was somewhere short of astounding, but at the age of 11, I thought he was about the coolest President that had ever lived.
And Pete Rose? Wow... that guy even hustled on a walk to 1st base! I loved his effort and enthusiasm - even his batting stance. Granted, as a youth, we are often oblivious to the sins of an adult. Something about that youthful obliviousness and innocence remains ignorantly attractive.
Yet if our lists would be re-written without the innocence, who would appear as your heroes? Who would you choose as a role model - the men and women you admire - you look up to? What intrinsic traits provide the source of your admiration?
Jesus’ name would still be on my list. Something about unconditional love and radical forgiveness permanently establishes him at the top. JFK, well, I still think he was cool, but as usual, I tend to favor less spending by any administration; and personally, I probably would have preferred the personal rumor mill was a little quieter in his regard. Pete Rose?! Wow... I still think #14 was great on the field, and I have little understanding of an inconsistent litmus test that bars him from the Hall of Fame but allows others with outlandish impropriety to enter. True, though, his play off the field bars him from my list, as well.
Martin Luther King, Jr. would be a possibility. So would basketball’s John Wooden, my youngest son, Josh (the bravest person I know), and notable author, Elisabeth Elliot. In the 1950’s, early in their marriage, Elliot and her husband, Jim, worked among the tribal areas with the Quichua Indians in Equador. Jim and 4 other missionaries were soon speared to death by members of the Aucas tribe. Elisabeth would later return and and actually live with and minister to the same tribe that killed her husband. Speaking of radical forgiveness... It is possible.
Who are your heroes? Who are your role models? And most importantly, what characteristics propel them to the top of your list?
Those are the traits we should be teaching our innocent children now.
1 comment:
HMMM.....I've thought alot about this since your post.....thanks for asking the question...so I could ponder....I couldn't just list 3.......
1. Jesus...for his obedience, heart of love, amazing ability to know how to get at the heart of the issue with those he ministered to.....
2. Corrie Ten Boom......for her incredibly deep yet simple faith.....and her life that walked it out....for her ability to speak the truth....
3. Many, many patients & families at work who courageously walk the path laid before them....with perseverance.....
4. Many, many animals who, through their stories God continues to shown me the power of love......to transform and renew....to bring sheer & true joy out of tragedy, horror & mistreatment.....
5. Tim Tebow.....for the open way he displays his wisdom & faith.....not to mention the amazing colors of ORANGE & BLUE!!!
Guess what it comes down to for me is all of my examples share strength, courage & faithfulness...qualities that don't just come from within.....but from God......in the words of Andrew Peterson....each life I mention sings the prayer "give us faith to be strong; give us strength to be faithful!"
Oh that my life could display that same strength, courage & faithfulness consistently!
Again, thanks for the opportunity to think this thru!
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