From www.dictionary.com, definitions 1 and 2 of 6:
o⋅pin⋅ion [uh-pin-yuhn] –noun
1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
Origin: 1250–1300; ME < OF < L opīniōn- (s. of opīniō), deriv. of opīnārī to opine
Is each of us entitled to our own opinion? Most would offer a resounding “yes.” Perhaps the reason for said justification lies in the second half of definition #1 above - that there exists “grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.”
That means that whether you are Rush Limbaugh, Nancy Pelosi, (lest I say it) Rod Blagojevich, proponents or opponents of Proposition 8, or yes, even the Intramuralist, you have a right to your opinion. It also means that we, (lest I say it again) that I, could be wrong. Egad.
I am encouraging you to comment on this blog with that in mind: the reality that each of us could be wrong. But I am also encouraging you to comment on this blog with the goal of sharpening one another. We can learn from those whose perspective begins from a different angle.
The purpose of the Intramuralist is not to make everyone think like me (not as if that would be such a terrible thing to do!). But the purpose is to prompt respectful dialogue. With respectful dialogue, we can model to the Washington partisans, media pundits, and Hollywood postulators that it is ok to listen to one another. It is ok to learn from one another. It is ok to admit you don’t have “it all figured out.” We can model an intellectual humility that is productive and beneficial to us all.
So today I invite you to join me. I invite you to join me by commenting on this blog regularly as we model to the rest of the world what respectful dialogue looks like. Simply below the blog entry which sparks a reaction in you, hit the link expressing the number of comments pertaining to that entry. That will take you to a window where comments are solicited. You may comment as a Google account holder or simply anonymously. Then your comment will be forwarded to me, and I will publish it, assuming one criteria: your comment is expressed in a way which is respectful to persons who feel differently than you.
That is what the Washington partisans, media pundits, and Hollywood postulators have yet to learn.
Just a commentary...
We are so blessed to live in a country where we can freely voice our opinions. And to be blessed to live in time where we have a means to do so with our computers/internet. We have so much we can learn from each other when our hearts and minds are open instead of closed.
I don't agree.
So.... if we are to comment on your comments where are they?
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